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segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2018

Child removed from Britain’s oldest IVF parents

Britain’s oldest IVF parents have had their child removed by a government agency after they failed to meet minimum care requirements. The unnamed couple, the mother aged 63 and her partner 65, are “devastated”, according to a report in the London daily The Sun.

“Social services have been dealing with them since last year and told them to make improvements in how the child was being looked after,” The Sun was told. “They then decided that the called-for improvements had not happened and took the child into care.”

The couple live in the north of England. Last year they engaged a surrogate mother in her 30s who was impregnated with the male partner’s sperm and a donor egg. The procedure was carried out overseas, as British clinics were reluctant to help a couple at such an advanced age. Legally speaking, the matter was complicated. The surrogate mother and her partner were named on the birth certificate as the parents, but the baby was then adopted by the commissioning couple.

The elderly couple are still fighting to regain custody of the child.

Fonte: https://www.bioedge.org/bioethics/child-removed-from-britains-oldest-ivf-parents/12682?utm_source=BioEdge&utm_campaign=ceae4f4597-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_05_06&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_76ab23e62c-ceae4f4597-136431629